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Project 1: Eliminating Dog Meat Farms and Restaurants

The Future of Paws in Asia (FOPIA) is committed to ending the dog meat trade across Asia by supporting dog meat farmers and restaurant owners in transitioning to alternative livelihoods. Our project provides financial assistance and vocational training to help them start new businesses, ensuring a sustainable and humane future.

  • Vietnam: With 1,537 dog meat farms supplying restaurants, FOPIA offers $20,000 per farm to support their transition to new livelihoods.
  • Cambodia: Over 200 restaurants consume dog meat. FOPIA provides $15,000 per restaurant to help them establish new businesses.
  • Philippines: Targeting 1,700 restaurants, FOPIA aims to eliminate over 1,000 dog meat farms and restaurants by 2025.

Our goal is to create a ripple effect across Asia, significantly reducing the demand for dog meat and promoting ethical alternatives.

The Future of Paws in Asia (FOPIA) recognizes that the dog and cat meat trade is deeply rooted in economic necessity for many farmers and restaurant owners. To address this, our project focuses on providing viable alternatives that not only improve their livelihoods but also align with ethical and compassionate values. By offering financial support and vocational training, we empower these individuals to transition away from the dog and cat meat industry and embrace sustainable, humane businesses.

Many dog meat farmers and restaurant owners engage in this trade out of economic necessity rather than personal choice. By providing them with the resources to start new businesses—such as agriculture, retail, or hospitality—we create a win-win situation. By offering training and support, we help them transition to businesses that align with global ethical standards and promote animal welfare.

The Financial Challenge: A Call for Global Support
To achieve our goal of eliminating 2,000 dog meat restaurants and farms by 2030, FOPIA estimates a need for approximately $40 million USD in funding.

While the financial goal is ambitious, the impact will be transformative. Removing dog and cat meat from menus across Asia will not only save countless animals but also promote a more compassionate and sustainable future.

FOPIA invites individuals, organizations, and governments to join us in this critical mission. Your support can help us reach our $40 million target, enabling us to:

Transform the lives of thousands of farmers and restaurant owners.
Rescue and rehome animals at risk of slaughter.
Create a lasting cultural shift toward compassion and ethical treatment of animals.

Together, we can end the dog and cat meat trade in Asia and build a future where animals are valued and protected.

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